Events in Pierreville

Following on from the very successful exposition by four local artists on the 26th and 27th April; which incidentally was accompanied by porte ouvert (open door) at the local market gardeners and at the depot de vins; we have 2 events posted up for May/June so far.

25th May is Fete de Meres (Mother’s Day) in France. Pierreville celebrates with an invitation from the Mayor and Council for all mothers from the commune to a vin d’honneur at the Mairie.

1st June the Tour du Pays Cotentin passes through Pierreville on the RD66 in the direction from Bricquebec to Surtainville between 0900 and 1000hrs.


Click into Pierreville’s blog for details of these and other events happening in this commune. Also Surtainville, Barneville, Les Pieux and others for details of the summer seasons’ events.

Bob and Marjory.

Not another bank holiday!!

The Monday after Pentecost – another jour ferie in France. Strange for a country that is proud to be secular that it still celebrates these religious holidays. Of course May has always been a Holiday (holy day) month – the month of the Virgin Mary. But four holidays in a month is a bit much surely!??

So the first of May – the worker’s festival, but with links back to the start of summer festivals of the ancient pagan religions – May poles, which seem to have some part in French lore – and Morris dancers. This year some confusion with the festival of the Ascension – a jour ferie also, but coinciding with the 1st became the subject of some contention over how many days off we’re due!!

Then the 8th – Victory Day – and today the Monday of Pentecost.

4 festivals – 2 religious, 2 secular – within two weeks. Not bad when England thinks it does well with the 2 May bank holidays it enjoys. But bad news for those who, like us, want to get on with the woprk of gardening and preparing for summer visitors – noisy machinery can only be used between 1000 and 1200 on these days. Fitting in the trimming of hedges, cutting of lawns and so on is very difficult when we lose 4 working days in a fortnight!!

However, the weather’s great so let’s enjoy the enforced break.


Bob and Marjory